
Promo/discount codes codes are valid only for new registrations and cannot be used retroactively or combined with any other offers.

If you can no longer attend Official Cybersecurity Summit South Florida, please review Official Cybersecurity Summit South Florida’s cancellation policy below and provide written notice to Official Cybersecurity Summit South Florida’s Customer Service team at  Only cancellations in writing will be accepted.

  • Substitute another individual from your organization at any time at no charge.
  • Cancellations received four weeks before the event will be entitled to a 100% refund, less an administrative fee of $95.
  • No refund will be given for cancellations received within four weeks of the event.
  • Registrations are non-transferable to other CyberRisk Alliance events.

Cancellation policies are subject to change without notice.

(Last Updated: October 23, 2024)